I'm gonna miss my ritual Lung-Poisoning
I'm gonna miss my ritual Lung-Poisoning
I'm gonna miss my ritual Lung-Poisoning
As I sit here and comtemplate how near the end of my smoking career gets by the day, I start to panic - not because of being without nicotine, but because I see no excuse after that point to not vocally rock the shit harder than ever before.

I have very high standards for myself, and that's only because I know I can achieve them. Why settle for second or third when you KNOW in your heart you're the shit and deserve to be #1?
I'm probably going to end up disappearing for a while, I turn into a major asshole for the first 3 days...

<<<< Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004 || 9:55 AM >>>>
reproduction strictly prohibited, all material owned by cyanideeyes.

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