Closed Eyes
Closed Eyes
Closed Eyes
How many times can you try to force this into my life?
Get over it
Live in the now
Fuck the past
I've let go of mine, can you follow my lead?

Your torture is yours
Quit trying to bring me along for the ride
Fuck off
Go away
I've tried, do you have the insanity to follow me?

I don't have the luster or shine that pack rats adore
Therefore I find it humorous that I'm the one who's bored

[Discard or assimilate
Quit asking questions
Walk beside, not behind
Mental rape]

<<<< Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2005 || 12:53 PM >>>>
reproduction strictly prohibited, all material owned by cyanideeyes.

profile . notes . email . older . today . dland . dzign . synthdel