Monday for the 3rd Day in a Row
Monday for the 3rd Day in a Row
Monday for the 3rd Day in a Row
"Good morning, how are ya?"
[the bastard walks off without even looking]
"Hey, how ya doin' today?"
[the eyes never make it off the floor]
"Good morning, how's it going?"

Next time, I'm just gonna flat-out be like "I just asked you a fucking question. Don't ignore me."
I hate being here. This place is starting to make me throw up everyday again. I'm tired of the people looking at me like I'm some kid, because I'm not. I may be 22, but that does not make me a kid.

I've been through and seen too much to be "some kid."

<<<< Wednesday, Apr. 06, 2005 || 8:49 AM >>>>
reproduction strictly prohibited, all material owned by cyanideeyes.

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