I have a job interview today...I'm kinda freakin' out. I haven't had a real job interview since I was 16 or 17, and even then that probably didn't count since it was McDonald's.
I dunno. I'm freakin'. This morning already isn't going well. And I think I'm getting used to beatin' ass for stress release since that's the first thing I could think of...I've gotta learn once again to stop thinking like that...

Anyway. I'd start off at what I'm making now, I'd have full benefits and reduced rent on the apartment. Paid vacation. Retirement. All that good stuff. I'm just nervous as fuck since I'm basically bullshittin' my way into this job. I'm sure I'll do fine though...I'm always nervous as fuck about shit like this until it's in my face...then I'm okay at that point.

That makes me think of something else, but I probably shouldn't start...no sense in opening gates I've closed.

I dunno. Life is gettin' all calm again and it's driving me nuts. I don't like predictability. I don't like full-blown chaos either, but dammit...gimme something not quite so calm but not quite so crazy.

Oooooohhhhh...I wrote something really good last night while me and Anthony were drivin' around...can't say most would care for the subject matter though...I mean after all, the man talks about god so he's gotta be good, right? Even though he's clearly a fucking moron and butchers the english language better than pre-schoolers and spends most of his time on vacation while disaster is striking.
Ugh. Getting nauseous again.


I need a cigarette.

<<<< Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2005 || 8:29 AM >>>>
reproduction strictly prohibited, all material owned by cyanideeyes.

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