Sands of History
Sands of History
Sands of History
One after another they come
Spewing forth bile and venom
On a mission to extinguish the sun
Waiting until the people are weak to exterminate their sums
Their children always had nightmares of these ethereal beings
But their makers always told them that they were being too naive
Their makers always told them that these myths were make-believe
Now their makers are telling them to save their lives and flee

The ones that stand their ground aren't even noticed
These monsters prey on fear
Whether it's justified or illogical
The lies that have been handed down like a legacy
Were the cause of an entire people's gruesome rending

One after another they're bred
To sling lies wrapped in mud
Leaving honor in the dust
There isn't even one who can start out legit
Yet not be corrupted in the system of excrement
All of the lives destroyed by their lies
Are buried beneath even more lies to cover up crooked ties
Then the most twisted of power-holders tells us to drop it
After all, there's no way to turn truth into profit

The ones that stand for something useful are ignored
These monsters prey on the weak
They can't stand to taste defeat
The ones with the strength are afraid to use their voices
Because of their choices, honor has become pointless

[Everything is about to come to a head through bloodshed
Everyone saw it in the past: humanity could never last
Rome, Greece, Babylon and next is OUR country
Soon to be another dead culture found in the sands of history]

<<<< Monday, Sept. 26, 2005 || 12:07 PM >>>>
reproduction strictly prohibited, all material owned by cyanideeyes.

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