Honorable Judge
Honorable Judge
Honorable Judge
Stringent criteria of perfection
Worthless approval
Miniscule acceptance

I am without value because I'm not like you

You only see one thing about me
Everything else negated by it's gravity
I seek not your favor
Just your understanding
Which I will never obtain
It's worth less than I am when it comes from your kind

Through your eyes, I'm untenanted
I don't possess what you do
Therefore I am meaningless
Bereft of resemblance or even a third-rate copy of quality

I am fully aware that you verbally crucify
Daily railings against me
Slandering my existece over one little "flaw"
I won't become a victim
I will not give in; won't become distraught

Your actions only prove my point after all...

<<<< Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2004 || 11:58 AM >>>>
reproduction strictly prohibited, all material owned by cyanideeyes.

profile . notes . email . older . today . dland . dzign . synthdel