Well, the parents are on the verge of divorce. Over many reasons, I guess.

Neither of them is telling me much. All I know is that mom actually picked up a fucking 19" monitor and threw it at Wayne, he's currently living in an apartment elsewhere in AZ, and I guess they're not talking much.
Wayne doesn't wanna tell me his side of the story because he wants me to be there for mom. That's fine, but as far as I'm concerned he's my goddamn father and I need to be there for him too. He told me that no matter what happens he'll make sure mom is taken care of and that he won't screw her over.

I already knew that, but I think he needed to say it just so he's comfortable. I know he belongs to a rare, dying breed of human...the truly selfless and benevolent.

I just wanna know what the fuck is going on...I'm 22 for crying out loud, I'm not a child. I can handle it.

<<<< Tuesday, May. 17, 2005 || 11:28 AM >>>>
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