The Wait
The Wait
The Wait
"Hate always needs target
Blame always needs a scapegoat
Everyone's talkin' loudly
But walkin' like the cowards..."

The conclusion I've come to: I no longer wish to keep people around that are only there for the good times. They were never friends, more like FWA's.
And another thing: my mental state has changed drastically since last week.

Back then, I felt defeated with no way of standing back up for another round. Now, because of that defeat I absolutely re-fucking-fuse to ever lay down like that again. If mom wants to be a fuckin' bitch, she can be a bitch. I'm not gonna fuckin' put up with it: I never did a fucking thing to her to deserve what she did to me. If she wants to push away what little family she has left, fine. That's her fucking business.
I've got a little surprised lined up for every last motherfucker involved with me in any way, shape or form. The murder of the birth name was only step one: wait till they see what I've got cookin' at the moment...

...I can't fucking stand the waiting.

"It's far too hard to hate on a singular group
When the error lies within the collective human troop..."

<<<< Tuesday, Sept. 06, 2005 || 12:06 PM >>>>
reproduction strictly prohibited, all material owned by cyanideeyes.

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