Shadow Stalker
Shadow Stalker
Shadow Stalker
I'm not one of the stupid, ignorant or clueless
Adjust your attitude
Act like you fuckin' knew
Quit bumpin' your gums unless you really want some
You seem to forget that I am the poison tongue
You can kick me while I'm down
But revenge comes once you're found

You can't skulk behind or by my vision
Everything that follows is my decision
A derelict fist is the rigid fix
To the piss you've given to this mound of shit
I've never been the one to fuck with
I don't give a fuck about who you run with
I've said before that I'm personnified pestilence
And I can see you're sick
I promise you'll die from it

Your agony will feed my starving needs
I'll watch from the shadows
Collecting what you bleed...

<<<< Friday, Sept. 09, 2005 || 11:40 AM >>>>
reproduction strictly prohibited, all material owned by cyanideeyes.

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