Existence in itself is a hate crime if you think long enough and ask yourself the right questions.

Try to disprove yourself. You'll see that there's no way out of it. The things you want to belive are false in all reality aren't.

I have very little patience for people who won't even try to see the truth. Those people are THE living lie.

Politics make me sick. When you've got to make an open request to the United States Government to take a shit, there's a problem. When you've got to petition for a basic right, that's a fucking problem.

I was just recently told by a friend that I need to stop being so "Cy" and more "me." I thought long and hard about that one sentence. I didn't sleep much at all last night; that's how long and hard I thought about it.
"Cy" is "me." I always have been. I was just denying it and I won't do it anymore. Who I was before is dead because that wasn't really me. That was just the passive part of me. Passive people accomplish NOTHING in their lives. Passive people sit and take whatever is handed or thrown to them.
I TAKE what I need instead of just waiting for it to come to me or someone to discard it because they find no use in it.
I do not find my worth through others' opinions of me. What someone else thinks of me means very little considering they'll be outta my life within a few years anyway.
Just for the record: I don't anticipate anyone currently in my life to be there tomorrow.
There's no one to trust. Some of the people I trusted most betrayed me, so people I've known for maybe a year or two can't be trusted much, if at all.
Some of them have already shown me where their allegiances lie, how they'll eventually betray me and what specific kind of deception they habitually practice...they just don't know it yet.

Nothing is wrong with me aside from the fact that I'm human. I am this way for a reason. A VERY JUSTIFIED REASON.

Fuck you if you don't like it.

<<<< Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2005 || 10:57 AM >>>>
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